I have a broken fence post what shall I do?

I have a broken fence post what shall I do?

Snapped posts are often caused by a mixture of rotted wood at ground level, bad installation, or age. Mother nature’s strong winds could be a factor if you notice your fence lines are leaning after a storm. To rectify this problem, you can fit a concrete spur post,...
Real lawn vs artificial grass?

Real lawn vs artificial grass?

Both materials are as good as one another, both having advantages/disadvantages, both need maintenance in form of disinfecting an artificial lawn and mowing of a natural lawn. Natural lawns are environmentally friendly, pollenating and attracting wildlife, and very...
Patios vs Decking what’s better?

Patios vs Decking what’s better?

Yes, we said it! Patios have a strong Impression on a garden, lasting longer, less maintenance, but harder to Install!  Decking also gets its point across, being a natural material, cheaper to Install, but in the long run more timely maintenance and upkeep. Both are...
How often shall I cut my lawn?

How often shall I cut my lawn?

Mowing a lawn can often vary, with spring – summer months we recommend one cut weekly and usually on a ‘3 height adjuster setting’ with autumn months one cut every two weeks on a ‘4 height adjuster setting’. TOP TIP: Be careful not cut your lawn too low, this...
What is overseeding a lawn?

What is overseeding a lawn?

Overseeding is the best way to fix a damaged lawn & achieve a fully healthy look, this is commonly practiced by dampening your lawn surface a evenly spreading a mix of compost and grass seed evenly around effected areas. Its best to wait until autumn to do...